Sunday, May 27, 2012

The "Mountain Biker's Lingo" Dictionary

Gnarly: A feature or entire trail that seems to have no rideable line to newbies, but clearly gets ridden.  Also carries serious penalties for failure. Synonyms: Technical Trail or Tech Section

Epic: 1)For a seasoned rider: A ride that becomes a spiritual journey; includes suffering, bliss and lots more suffering. Worthy of a solo six pack when it's over, but you're so tired, you only finish three. 2)For a newbie: The first ride on a "real" trail (happy mix of roots, rocks, drops, climbs etc.)

Sick: Reference to an extraordinary move on the bike; "That was a sick line you chose."

"Killing it": Riding hard from beginning to end. Synonyms: Hammering, Throwing Down, Crushing it.

Stoked: Overly excited before, during, and or after a solid ride.

"Getting Byrded": When the guy on the rigid fixie mountain bike cleans a gnarly feature on the first try and you can't do it on a $6500 full suspension bike, you've been "Byrded".  Note: The name of the guy or girl may vary in your town, but the definition is the same.

Trashed: When your bike is irreparably damaged during a ride or on the return trip from a ride (garage encounters).

Eating S%@t: Wrecking hard

Rag-dolling: A hard wreck that involves long, uncontrolled tumbling.

Bombing/Bombed: Riding a gnarly section of trail very fast. Synonyms: Railing, Cooking, Flying, etc.

Hucking: Getting big air on trail.

Blowing up: When your body completely fails on a climb. Synonyms: Roadies call it cracking.

Tacky: Grippy, moist trail conditions.

Plush: When your fork or shock, or both feel good.

Poser: Guy or girl with a nice bike they are scared to scratch. Good rides will scratch bikes.

Hero Dirt: Usually found within hours or days of precipitation.  Perfect traction leading to stupid attempts at being a hero. Thanks for this one SP.

Yard Sale: When your wreck and all of your s%#& falls out of your pack and off your bike. Thanks AD.

A$$ Clowning: When you try to stop before a steep, gnarly feature, but you end up stumbling or tumbling down while still on your bike.

More to come...

Getting "Chicked":When a woman rolls or blasts by you on trail.  Tends to show the make of the man. Take it with a smile fellas. If you have to race to catch her, she'd probably still beat you if she tried too.

New Dirt: New trails. Loose, narrow, perhaps rocky and full of potential.

Suffering: Sections or entire rides that are so difficult, strange noises emanate from ones throat, stars may be seen or vertigo may be experienced.

Hardening: Building mental toughness through suffering.  Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Riding through one or multiple "bonks" during a long ride
- Finishing a long ride despite a bad wreck
- Riding through multiple mechanical failures and or flats on a long ride
- Riding in bad weather during a long ride (planned or unplanned)

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