Monday, December 16, 2013

Thoughts While Riding in the Rain

1) This is fun!
2) I should have bought a waterproof helmet cover (shower cap).
3) Keep your mouth closed.
4) The road spray has a motor oil head followed by an antifreeze finish.
5) I should have bought waterproof gloves.
6) I'm cold, but this is still fun.
7) Wool socks don't actually stay warm when wet.
8) Gears suck.
9) I can't feel my hands or feet and my jaw hurts from shivering. This is fun.
10) I hope there is whiskey at the Finishline.

Cabin Fever

The gang had cabin fever so I let them get a little sun today.

They are all jealous of the black one in back. It got to play today. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Redline Revival Update

Old Doodoo-Brown has taken another step towards modernity. After a string of rear pinch flats ODB finally got upgraded to tubeless. After basking in the glow for a few days the honeymoon quickly ended in a gunshot like tire failure.

One new tire and another bottle of Stan's later, ODB is back. Next step forward for my fixie flyer...getting back to my roots, and by that I mean going back to rigid.  When I left Flag ODB was rigid so it only makes sense for it to be rigid for its homecoming. That and the bushings in my Bomber are cooked.